ReNestle Cup
“Why did you get the Nestlé logo tattooed on your head?” has been the most asked question in recent months by the most limited drift in terms of the intellectual sphere of the homiefellas ranks. Renestlé has become the new religion of all those who previously repeated things like “says the one who got a tattoo on the other hand” or other classics like “you dipped your arm in oil”. That said, and due to the success of the birds on the head, Rene ZZ has decided to launch a limited edition Renestlé mug so you can enjoy a freshly ground coffee in the morning in an absolutely iconic and historic mug.
“Why did you get the Nestlé logo tattooed on your head?” has been the infamous question for these past months, formulated and carried by the most intellectually limited members of the homiefellas society. Renestlé has become the new religion of all those who used to live by old mantras like “it would be better if it was an upside down cathedral” or some other classics like “it would be better if it was a black arm”. Having said that and due to the success of those two birds tattooed on his head, Rene ZZ has decided to drop a Renestlé limited edition mug to enjoy a freshly roasted morning coffee in the most absolute iconic mug ever created.